Providing Products and Technology for a Better Environment
Providing Products and Technology for a Better Environment

2″ VERTICAL ACCU-FLO PVC WELLHEAD WITH 2″ Exact FLO Valve (Quick Connect Fittings)

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Technical Specification

Flow Accuracy and Reliability
The ACCU-FLO System is designed to operate in the wet, abrasive environment typical of landfill gas and still provide exacting control and accurate flow measurements with high dependability and consistency.

A patented feature of the ACCU-FLO design is the pre-calibrated gas measurement tube assembly (ACCU-FLO body) which extends into a standard vertical or horizontal well casing or branch lateral, creating a compact installation.

The Measurement tube assembly houses a modified stainless steel impact tube specifically designed by LANDTEC for harsh landfill gas applications. Differential pressure readings between the impact tube and measurement tube are used to calculate flow.

To Help protect the impact tube from condensate and particulate clogging, common with conventional designs such as pitot tubes and orifice plates, LANDTEC uses an enlarged total pressure port opening and a separate protected static pressure port. Also, pre-calibration of the measurement tube with a pre-positioned impact tube eliminates the need to take time-consuming traverse measurements normally required for accuracy.

Simplified Data Collection
ACCU-FLO simplifies the complexity of measuring wellhead data by incorporating key built-in features including a LFG flow measuring device, gas temperature port, quick-connect gas sample ports and a flow control gate valve.

The patented design expedites the time required to obtain key wellhead data and determine necessary flow adjustments using the industry standard instruments, LANDTEC GEMTM5000 and GEMTM5000 Plus or other field unit.

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